Copyright Sociological Research Online, 2000

Books Received - Volume 5, Issue 3

Inclusion in this list does not pre-empt a review appearing in
Sociological Research Online. We can not accept requests from individuals to
review particular titles, but anyone wishing to be considered as a reviewer for
Sociological Research Online may enter their interests into our
Reviewers' Database.
- Adams, Rebecca G; Robert Sardiello (Editors)
- Deadhead Social Science: You Ain't Gonna Learn What You Don't Want to
AltaMira Press: Walnut Creek, CA, (2000), 0742502511 (pb), £17.82 (pb), 299
- Ahmed, Sara
- Strange Encounters: Embodied Others in Post-Coloniality
Routledge: London, (2000), 0415201853 (pb), £16.99 (pb), xii + 212 pp.
- Cipriani, Roberto
- Sociology of Religion: An Historical Introduction
Aldine de Gruyter: New York, (2000), 0202305929 (pb), ix + 278 pp.
- Davies, Martin (Editor)
- The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Work
Blackwell Publishers: Oxford, (2000), 0631214518 (pb), £24.96 (pb), xviii + 412
- Davies, Penelope J.E
- Death and the Emperor: Roman Imperial Funerary Monuments from
Augustus to Marcus Aurelius
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, (2000), 0521632366 (hb), £50.00; $80.00
(hb), 265 pp.
- Dodge, Martin
- Mapping Cyberspace
Routledge: London, (2000), 0415198844 (pb), £23.56 (pb), x + 260 pp.
- Drori, Israel
- The Seam Line: Arab Workers and Jewish Managers in the Israeli Textile
Stanford University Press: Stanford, CA, (2000), 0804737878 (pb), £13.53 (pb),
278 pp.
- Edwards, Tim
- Contradictions of Consumption: Concepts, Practices and Politics in
Consumer Society
Open University Press: Buckingham, (1999), 0335199178 (pb), 0335199186 (hb),
£15.99 (pb), £50.00 (hb), 204 pp.
- Gillies, James; Robert Cailliau
- How the Web Was Born: The Story of the World Wide Web
Oxford University Press: Oxford, (2000), 0192862073 (pb), £8.99 (pb), xii + 372
- Goldblatt, David
- Knowledge and the Social Sciences Theory, Method and Practice
Routledge: London, (2000), 0415222869 (pb), £11.99 (pb), viii + 165 pp.
- Gordon, Bruce and Peter Marshall (Editors)
- Place of the Dead: Death and Remembrance in Late Medieval and Early
Modern Europe
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, (2000), 0521645182 (pb), £15.95 (pb), xiii
+ 324 pp.
- Held, David
- Globalizing World? Culture, Economics, Politics
Routledge: London, (2000), 041522294X (pb), £11.99 (pb), 188 pp.
- Hopkins, David
- After Modern Art 1945-2000
Oxford University Press: Oxford, (2000), 019284234X (pb), £9.99; $17.95 (pb),
282 pp.
- Inglis, Fred
- Delicious History of the Holiday
Routledge: London, (2000), 041513305x (pb), £19.99 (pb), xi +206 pp.
- Jacobs, Ronald N.
- Race, Media, and the Crisis of Civil Society: From Watts to Rodney
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, (2000), 0521625785 (pb), 052162360X
(hb), £13.95; $21.95 (pb), £37.50; $59.95 (hb), xii + 189 pp.
- Kingston, Paul W.
- The Classless Society
Stanford University Press: Stanford, CA, (2000), 0804738068 (pb), £13.53 (pb),
xviii + 258 pp.
- Lamont, Michele and Laurent Thevenot (Editors)
- Rethinking Comparative Cultural Sociology: Repertoires of Evaluation in
France and the United States
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, (2000), 0521787947 (pb), £17.82 (pb), xv
+ 375 pp.
- Lawler, Steph
- Mothering the Self: Mothers, Daughters, Subjects
Routledge: London, (2000), 0415170842 (pb), £16.99 (pb), ix + 229 pp.
- Lee-Treweek, Geraldine; Stephanie Linkogle
- Danger in the Field: Risk and Ethics in Social Research
Routledge: London, (2000), 0415193222 (pb), £16.99 (pb), x + 212 pp.
- Lembo, Ron
- Thinking through Television
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, (2000), 0521585775 (pb), 0521584655
(hb), £12.95; $19.95 (pb), £35.00; $54.95 (hb), xiii + 254 pp.
- Lenskyj, Helen Jefferson
- Inside the Olympic Industry: Power, Politics and Activism
New York University Press: New York, (2000), 0791447561 (pb), xxi + 216
- Lepper, Georgia
- Categories in Text and Talk
Sage Publications: London, (2000), 0761956662 (hb), £39.50 (hb), xii + 211
- Luff, Paul; Jon Hindmarsh; Christian Heath
- Workplace Studies: Recovering Work Practice and Informing System
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, (2000), 0521598214 (pb), 0521591864
(hb), £17.82 (pb), xvi + 283 pp.
- McMullen, Michael
- The Baha'i: The Religious Construction of a Global Identity
Rutgers University Press: New Brunswick, (2000), 0813528364 (pb), £20.71 (pb),
xvi + 246 pp.
- Menjivar, Cecilia
- Fragmented Ties: Salvadoran Immigrant Networks in America
University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, (2000), 0520222113 (pb),
0520222105 (hb), £12.50; $19.95 (pb), £30.00; $48.00 (hb), 319 pp.
- O'Reilly, Karen
- The British on the Costa del Sol: Transnational Identitiesm and Local
Routledge: London, (2000), 1841420476 (pb), £16.99 (pb), 187 pp.
- Quah, Stella R and Arnaud Sales
- The International Handbook of Sociology
Sage Publications: London, (2001), 0761968881 (hb), £69.00 (hb), 568 pp.
- Russell, Diana E.H and Rebecca M. Bolen
- The Epidemic of Rape and Child Sexual Abuse in the United
Sage Publications: London, (2000), 076190302X (pb), 0761903011 (hb), xvii + 318
- Stafford, Charles
- Separation and Reunion in Modern China
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, (2000), 0521784344 (pb), viii + 202
- Stark, Rodney; Roger Finke
- Acts of Faith: Explaining the Human Side of Religion
University of California Press: Berkeley, CA, (2000), 0520222024 (pb),
0520222016 (hb), £11.95; $18.95 (pb), £30.00; $48.00 (hb), 343 pp.
- Stevenson, Robert J
University of Illinois Press: Champaign, IL, (2000), 025206934X (pb), $14.95 (pb),
429.95 (hb), 265 pp.
- Taggart, Paul
- Populism: Concepts in the Social Sciences
Open University Press: Buckingham, (2000), 0335200451 (pb), 033520046X (hb),
£11.99 (pb), £42.00 (hb), vii + 128 pp.
- Zalewski, Marysia
- Feminism after Postmodernism: Theorising through Practice
Routledge: London, (2000), 0415234611 (pb), £13.99 (pb), xi + 162 pp.