Supriya Singh (2000)
'Electronic Commerce and the Sociology of Money'
Sociological Research Online, vol. 4, no. 4,
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Received: 1/11/1999 Accepted: 11/2/2000 Published: 29/2/2000
...a number of cultural differences within the APEC region that can affect the way electronic authentication is implemented. The first difference noted involve (sic) various concepts of community property rather than identifiable individual or joint ownership of property. The community property concept can cover extended families or clan, village or tribal groupings. Many electronic authentication techniques have as central themes the concepts of binding an electronic authenticator to an individual and for the authenticator to be under the control of that individual. It is difficult to translate electronic authentication techniques that rely on the concept of individuals to cultures whose basic concepts are communal. These community property concepts are present in a number of APEC member economies (APEC Telecommunications Working Group 1999).
... presented to highlight the need for governments to be sensitive to the existence of cultural differences between economies. These cultural differences have the potential to impact on technical, legal and policy aspects of electronic authentication. Often cultural differences are not addressed in these aspects through ignorance rather than intent. There is a need to raise awareness of both cultural differences and their possible impact (APEC Telecommunications Working Group 1999).
...while scepticism is always salutary, the discourses with which researchers counter the widespread hype surrounding new media tends to become dystopian or backward-looking. These discourses themselves might be more convincing if better grounded empirically, but a considerable difficulty with the new media is precisely that they are not yet here.... (pp 60- 61).
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