Gill Hubbard (2000)
'The Usefulness of Indepth Life History Interviews for Exploring the
Role of Social Structure and Human Agency in Youth Transitions'
Sociological Research Online, vol. 4, no. 4,
To cite articles published in Sociological Research Online, please reference the above information and include paragraph numbers if necessary
Received: 19/10/1999 Accepted: 22/2/2000 Published: 29/2/2000
'Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves, but under circumstances directly encountered, given and transmitted from the past.'
'They split up in the July and I was supposed to leave in September and, eh, it was just a really bad time, I mean, they were.. she was tearing my Dad to shreds...then one morning out of the blue I came down the stairs with a hangover and my Mum was like "Aye, me an' your Dad are splittin' up, by the way, I tried to kill myself last night". Well, the worst of it was I had to go away..I had to go away on holiday booked... I had to leave my little sister behind to deal with it, which was a bit.. a bit strange, but there.. there wasn't very much that I could do about it. I mean they did it.'
'Well, em Edinburgh because nearly all my friends are here which is good, and its something that I need, to have people around me. Also, its close to home, I can go home any time I want and it was close to..close to my fiancé, cause I was engaged to him when I moved away.'
'Well, I didn't mind working in the lab, it was fine but I wasn't going anywhere and the pay's not very good.. I was sort of strugglin' 'y get by on that. There was no way I could've been independent on it. I had to live with my parents. So, there wasn't really any opportunity to move any further and I thought "Well I've always wanted to do it.. I've always wanted to go to college.. I've got a brain in my head.. I'm wasting it here, em, if I don't do it now, I never will" so I had nothing to lose and I strangely, even though I was in another serious relationship, (laughter) I managed to move this time.'
'my boyfriend and I had split up the next again January and I moved.. I stayed in the house on my own for a few months.. I moved back to my Mum's in about May because I couldn't afford to stay in Berwick so I lived at my Mum's and worked at Berwick still.'
'Em, we met, we were out in the pub one night and my friend fancied his mate and I shouted over "She fancies your mate."...We just got to know each other as friends and then we started to go out wi' each other after that. Went out 'y the pub.'
'my Mum was quite annoyed to start wi'. Just sayin' "What you gonna do? I mean you can't stop workin' cause you need the money", but I worked right up to when I was seven months and I got all the stuff that I needed for the baby.'
'I would love to get into the nursing profession eventually, get myself a decent, in a hospital, like, in the local hospital if possible. Cause I dinny really want 'y move away to do it, just for the bairn's school and stuff...I'm tryin' 'y think about getting him grown up a wee bit first and get him'y school. Like the primary school, and they I'll think about doin' that.'
'usually ma husband now. Cause I don't get to see my sister as much. It's the only person I really trust. I don't trust my friends that much now.'
'Like I have to borrow money off 'y people like to get shopping for me. Cause we havny enough money, cause you've got council tax.'
'well I ended up gettin' into a really serious relationship at the age of sixteen... I do think that it makes it easier to have a serious relationship if you're able to stay the night with somebody every night, any night you want.'
'I don't know, I think it's maybe the neighbour fi' downstairs. We've got that many friends and it's terrible how you can't have your friends in the house, I think it's pure jealousness if you ask me.'
'It's like you're pressurised... to have a relationship wi' someone because you can't play the field, like not even if you're like, it's completely innocent.. not even if you're goin' out like at the weekend and kissin' a couple 'y guys and goin' away home. You can't do that here cause you're.. automatically you're a whore...You're pressurised into a serious relationship.'
'It was great when I was that age because all my friends were there, we were all getting drunk all the time and I'm sure we had a terrible reputation but we didn't really give a shit at the time. Yeah, I really enjoyed it then, when I was younger. But you can't get away with fallin' about drunk in the streets when you're twenty-three years old. (Laughter)It's not the city.'
'I saw my Mum kissing my friend's ex-boyfriend and my ex-boyfriend, both of them on the same night, on the dance floor...these were people who were my age, not her age.' I mean like people were laughin' at her "You silly old slapper, what are you playin' at...she's an embarrassment but now that I'm livin' up here, it doesn't bother me so much. But it's no' very pleasant for me, like, when I was like twenty-one, twenty-two years old, to go down for a drink in the pub and there's ma Mum absolutely mortal, like makin' a complete idiot of herself in the pub. It's like, "No I think that should be me that's doin' that, not you".
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