Barry Wellman (2000)
'Changing Connectivity: A Future History of Y2.03K'
Sociological Research Online, vol. 4, no. 4,
To cite articles published in Sociological Research Online, please reference the above information and include paragraph numbers if necessary
Received: 24/2/2000 Accepted: 24/2/2000 Published: 29/2/2000
2"Affordances" is a term widely used in the study of human computer interaction (Norman 1999). Erin Bradner (2000) writing for computer scientists, has coined the term "social affordances" to emphasize the social as well as individual implications of the technological features of computer-supported communication networks and human-computer interfaces. See also Gaver (1996).
3I focus on the opportunities and transformations for communities that computerized communication networks affords. Although this will seem natural to most computer scientists, when many sociologists think about the future, they think about with interpersonal abuses or righting structural wrongs (see Risman, Tomaskovic-Devey and Dimes 2000). I do not want to be overly pollyanna-ish: the changes I am chronicling can easily evoke major social problems: lessened privacy, increased surveillance, machine-dependent vulnerability to computerized crime and breakdown (Forster 1909); the inadequacy of lives lived predominantly online. To address these issues requires more space and time than I have available here.
4"If you build it, they will come," is as likely in computer-supported communication as it is in building expressways and the Field of Dreams movie. Already "internet traffic reports" are being made available (Stellin 2000;
5Examples are Ricochet [], Bell Canada's ExpressVu [], and the just announced Microsoft-Gilat alliance [].
6These examples come from Garton and Wellman (1995).
7For a discussion of how this affects home-based teleworkers, see Salaff, Wellman and Dimitrova (1998).
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