Kay Peggs
Kay Peggs
Kay Peggs is Principal Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Portsmouth and is a member of the Centre for European and International Studies Research Her current research focuses on power relationships between humans and nonhuman animals in society. Her research on women, risk and pensions has been published in edited books and in journals such as The Sociological Review and her research on separation and repartnering (with Richard Lampard) has appeared in edited collections and in The British Journal of Sociology. She is co-author (with Richard Lampard) of Identity and Repartnering after Separation (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007). Self references Peggs, K (In press) A hostile world for nonhuman animals: human identification and the oppression of nonhuman animals for human good. Sociology Lampard, R and Peggs, K (2007) Identity and Repartnering after Separation. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, Hampshire and New York.
Principal Lecturer in Sociology
School of Social
Historical and Literary Studies
University of Portsmouth Milldam, Burnaby Road, Hants
United Kingdom
Email: kay.peggs@port.ac.uk