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Swen Seebach and Francesc Núñez-Mosteo

Swen Seebach

Swen Seebach has studied political sciences, sociology and philosophy at the University of Leipzig and the University of Sussex. He holds a PhD in Digital Humanities (with honours). At the moment he works as lecturer at the Open University of Catalonia and the University Abat Oliba CEU. Furthermore he is working on several research projects in which emotions and morality are central.

Avinguda Tibidabo 39-43

Email: swen.seebach@gmail.com

Please direct correspondence about this article to Swen Seebach

Francesc Núñez-Mosteo

Francesc Núñez Mosteo has studied sociology at the Autnomous University of Barcelona (UAB). He holds a PhD in Sociology from the Autnomous University of Barcelona (UAB). He has carried out research in the fields of emotions, new technologies, and media studies and published in national and international journals. At the moment he especially focusses on love, and its appearance in literature and popular culture

Av. Tibidabo 39-43
08035 Barcelona

Email: fnunez@uoc.edu