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Helena Flam and Jochen Kleres

Helena Flam

Helena Flam, Fil.Kand. from Lunds Universitet and Ph.D. in Sociology from Columbia University, has been Professor of Sociology at the University of Leipzig since 1993. She has published in the areas of social movements, emotions and discrimination. She is a co-founder and a current convener of the European Research Network on Emotions affiliated with the European Sociological Association.

Institut für Soziologie
Beethovenstr. 15

Email: flam@sozio.uni-leipzig.de
Web: http://uni-leipzig.de/~sozio/content/site/detail_m8_pers.php

Jochen Kleres

Jochen Kleres gained his Ph.D. at the University of Leipzig (Germany) with a dissertation on dissolution processes in AIDS-organizations. Between 2003 and 2004 he was involved in an EU-funded comparative project on institutional discrimination against migrants (XENOPHOB). His fields of interests are social movements, NGOs and civil society, AIDS, migration and the role of emotions in these fields. He has published several contributions to journals and collected volumes on social movements, migration, and emotions, including “Emotions and Narrative Analysis: A Methodological Approach.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 41(2) (=2011) and „Theorizing Emotions. Sociological Explorations and Applications“ (ed. with Debra Hopkins, Helena Flam, and Helmut Kuzmics, 2009). He has been a board member of the ESA Research Network Sociology of Emotions since 2009.

Insitut för sociologie och arbetsvetenskap
Box 720

Email: jochen.kleres@gu.se
Web: http://socav.gu.se/kontaktaoss/Personal+A-%C3%96/kleres-jochen/

Please direct correspondence about this article to Jochen Kleres