Copyright Sociological Research Online, 1997


Books Received - Volume 2, Issue 2

Inclusion in this list does not pre-empt a review appearing in Sociological Research Online.

Anderson, Alison
Media, Culture and the Environment
Publisher, 1997, ISBN 1 85728 384 8, £12.95, x + 236 pp.

Ang-Lygate, Magdalene, Chris Corrin and Millsom Henry
Desperately Seeking Sisterhood: Still Challenging and Building
Taylor & Francis: Basingstoke, 1997, ISBN 0 7484 0410 4, £13.95, x + 222 pp.

Athens, Lonnie
Violent Criminal Acts and Actors Revisited
University of Illinois Press: Champaign, IL, 1997, ISBN 0 252 06608 1 (pb), $24.95 (hb); $14.95 (pb), x + 178 pp.

Banton, Michael
Ethnic and Racial Consciousness
Addison Wesley Longman: Harlow, 1997, ISBN 0 582 29911 X, £12.99, viii + 195pp.

Bergman, Barbara R.
Saving Our Children from Poverty: What the United States can Learn from France
Russell Sage Foundation: New York, 1996, ISBN 0 87154 114 9, $34.95, xiv + 183 pp.

Chan, Janet B. L.
Changing Police Culture: Policing in a Multicultural Society
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1997, ISBN 0 521 56455 7 (hb), £40.00; $59.95, xi + 255 pp.

Dolgin, Janet L.
Defining the Family: Law, Technology and Reproduction in an Uneasy Age
New York University Press: New York, 1997, ISBN 0 8147 1859 0, $29.95, xiv + 287 pp.

Duncan, Simon & Edwards, Rosalind (Editors)
Single Mothers in an International Context: Mothers or Workers?
UCL Press: London, 1997, ISBN 1 85728 791 6, £13.95, x + 285 pp.

Fukuyama, Francis
Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity
Penguin: London, 1996, ISBN 0 14 025943 0, £12.50, xv + 457 pp.

Furlong, Andy and Cartmel, Fred
Young People and Social Change: Individualization and Risk in Late Modernity
Open University Press: Buckingham, 1997, ISBN 0 335 19464 8 (pb), £13.99 (pb); £42.50 (hb), x + 145 pp.

Gordon, Jacki & Grant, Gillian
How We Feel: An Insight into the Emotional World of Teenagers
Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London, 1997, ISBN 1 85302 439 2, £12.95, xiv + 201 pp.

Green, Judith
Risk and Misfortune: The Social Construction of Accidents
UCL Press: London, 1997, ISBN 1 85728 561 1, £14.95, x + 222pp.

Grubb, W. Norton
Learning to Work: The Case for Reintegrating Job Training and Education
Russell Sage Foundation: New York, 1996, ISBN 0 87154 367 2, $29.95, x + 152pp.

Hall, Stuart (editor)
Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices
Sage Publications: London, 1997, ISBN 0 7619 5432 5, £12.95, 400 pp.

Harris, Zellig S.
The Transformation of Capitalist Society
Rowman & Littlefield: Lanham, MD, 1997, ISBN 0 8476 8411 3 (hb); 0 8476 8412 1 (pb), $62.50 (hb); $23.95 (pb), xvi + 245 pp.

Hunt, Darnell M.
Screening the Los Angeles
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1997, ISBN 0 521 57814 0 (pb); 0 521 57087 5 (hb), £15.95/$19.95 (pb); £45.00/$59.95 (hb), xv + 313 pp.

Illouz, Eva
Consuming the Romantic Utopia: Love and the Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism
University of California Press: Berkeley, 1997, ISBN 0 520 20571 5, $45.00/£35.00 (hb); $17.95/£12.95 (pb), 371 + xv pp.

Kahveci, Erol; Sugur, Nadir & Nichols, Theo (editors)
Work & Occupation in Modern Turkey
Mansell: London, 1996, ISBN 0 7201 2319 4, £45.00, xii + 212pp.

Layder, Derek
Modern Social Theory: Key Debates and New Directions (2nd edition)
UCL Press: London, 1997 , ISBN 1 85728 386 4, £12.95, viii + 264pp.

Lees, Sue
Ruling Passions: Sexual Violence, Reputation and the Law
Open University Press: Buckingham, 1997, ISBN 0 335 19613 6 (pb), £12.99 (pb); £40.00 (hb), vii + 214 pp.

Lindenmeyer, Kriste
"A Right to Childhood": The US Children's Bureau and Child Welfare, 1912 - 46
University of Illinois Press: Champaign, IL, 1997, ISBN 0 252 06577 8, $49.95 (hb)/$21.95 (pb), xii + 340 pp.

Scraton, Phil (editor)
'Childhood' in 'Crisis'
UCL Press: London, 1997, ISBN 1 85728 789 4, £12.95, xvi + 224 pp.

Shelley, Rosemary (editor)
Anorexics on Anorexia
Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London, 1997, ISBN 1 85302 471 6, £13.95, 150 pp.

Skeggs, Beverley
Formations of Class and Gender
Sage Publications: London, 1997, ISBN 0 7619 5512 7, £13.95, 192 pp.

Sumner, Colin
Violence, Culture & Censure
Taylor & Francis: Basingstoke, 1996, ISBN 0 7484 0555 0, £13.95, viii + 221 pp.

Tudge, Jonathan, Shanahan, Michael & Valsiner, Jaan (editors)
Comparisons in Human Development
Publisher, 1997, ISBN 0 521 48202 X, £35.00, x + 368 pp.

Walby, Sylvia
Gender Transformations
Routledge: London, 1997, ISBN 0 415 12081 0, £13.99, x + 245 pp.

Walters, James W.
What is a Person? An Ethical Exploration
University of Illinois Press: Champaign, IL, 1997, ISBN 0 252 02278 5, $23.95, xvi + 188pp.

Wooffitt, Robin, Norman Fraser, Nigel Gilbert and Scott McGlashan
Humans, Computers and Wizards: Analysing Human (Simulated) Computer Interaction
Routledge: London, 1997, ISBN 0 415 06948 3, £50.00, x + 207 pp.

Wyn, Johanna and White, Rob
Rethinking Youth
Sage Publications: London, 1997, ISBN 0 7619 5522 4, £12.95, viii + 170 pp.

Yuval-Davis, Nira
Gender and Nation
Sage Publications: London, 1997, ISBN 0 8039 8664 5, £12.95, x + 157 pp.