Ann Nilsen and Julia Brannen

Ann Nilsen

Author 1 Ann Nilsen is Professor of sociology at the University of Bergen, Norway. Her research interests include life course and biographical research, methodology, gender and generations, and life course transitions in an historical perspective. She was Norwegian partner in the EU funded seven countries study Transitions 2002-2005, and is current PI in a study funded by the Norwegian Research Council Intergenerational Transmissions in the Transition to Adulthood (2013-2016). She was Vice-Dean of research at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Bergen 2002-2009. Her latest co-edited books include C. Wright Mills and the Sociological Imagination, (with J. Scott, Edward Elgar 2013) and The Transition to Parenthood in Europe. A Comparative Life Course Perspective (with J. Brannen and S.Lewis, Policy Press 2012).

Department of Sociology
University of Bergen
P.O. Box 7802


Please direct correspondence about this article to Ann Nilsen

Julia Brannen

Author 2 Julia Brannen is Professor of sociology of the family in the Institute of Education, University of London, Academician of Academy of Social Science and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Sociology, University of Bergen. She has carried out research on families and intergenerational relations and the work-family interface for over 30 years in both Britain and Europe. She has a special interest in methodology including mixed methods, comparative cross-national research, and biographical approaches. Author and editor of nineteen books, her current research in the Institute’s Thomas Coram Research Unit includes the study of children’s food practices in working families and the reuse of narrative data in the study of family practices under the National Centre of Research Methods NOVELLA node. She co-founded and co-edited the International Journal of Social Research Methodology for 17 years and is currently an Associate Editor of the Journal of Mixed Methods.

United Kingdom
