Alexandra Jugureanu, Jason Hughes and Kahryn Hughes

Alexandra Jugureanu

Alexandra is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Leicester. Previous publications include: (2011) TV or mother’s hug? A qualitative examination of happiness in children (chapter in “Child’s Psychology and Parenting " The Psychology of the Modern Child”), Polirom Press, Iasi; (2010) Lay Theories and the Cultural Contingency of Happiness, Social Science Research Network; (2010) World’s Information-Poor. A Critical Discussion in Terms of the “Digital Divide” Debate, 6th International Scientific Conference on eLearning and Software for Education, indexed in ISI Web of Knowledge. She co-convenes the BSA Happiness Study Group and the BSA Postgraduate Forum.

46 The Lock Building
72-74 High Street
E15 2QF
United Kingdom


Please direct correspondence about this article to Alexandra Jugureanu

Jason Hughes

Jason Hughes is Professor of Sociology at the University of Leicester. His first book, Learning to Smoke (2003, University of Chicago Press) was winner of the 2006 Norbert Elias prize. More recently he has completed, together with Eric Dunning, a major study of the work of Norbert Elias entitled Norbert Elias and Modern Sociology: Knowledge, Interdependence, Power, Process (Bloomsbury 2013). He has also recently published a number of edited books, including Visual Methods (Sage, 2012) and Internet Research Methods (Sage, 2012); and co-edited books including, Moral Panics in the Contemporary World (Continuum 2013); Documents of Life (Sage, 2013) and Communities of Practice: Critical Perspectives (Routledge, 2007).

Dept of Sociology
University of Leicester
University Road
Leicester, LE1 7RH
United Kingdom


Kahryn Hughes

I am a Senior Research Fellow, and the Co-Director of the Families Lifecourse and Generations Research Centre (FLaG). I previously worked in the Health Sciences and Public Health Research Centre. My research ranged from governance and quality in Complementary and Alternative Medicines, local hospitals, and community eye services, to ESRC-funded research that developed innovative methodologies to reach and recruit socially excluded individuals and groups.

"Radbrook", 46 St. Andrew's Road
United Kingdom
