Jukka Törrönen and Antti Maunu

Jukka Törrönen

Jukka Törrönen, with a PhD in sociology, has a chair as professor at SoRAD on social alcohol and drug research. He has had a long-term interest in alcohol and drug research, in theoretical sociology and in qualitative methods. His recent and ongoing work has been focused on a) disorderly public drinking, moral regulation and the new social and political control programs, on b) the restaurant/pub, social control and young adults' drinking cultures, as well as on c) changes in the cultural position of drinking. Recent publications include Törrönen J (2001). The concept of subject position in empirical social research. The Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 31:3, 313-330, Törrönen J (2002). Semiotic theory on qualitative interviewing with stimulus texts. Qualitative Research 2 (3): 343-362, Törrönen J (2003). On the Road to Serfdom? An Analysis of Friedrich Hayek's Socio-political Manifesto as a Pending Narrative. Social Semiotics 13 (3): 305-320, Törrönen J (2004). Zero-tolerance policing, the media and a local community. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 5 (1): 27-47, Törrönen J, Korander T (2005). Preventive policing and security plans. The reception of new crime prevention strategies in three Finnish cities. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 6: 2, 106-127, Törrönen J, Maunu A (2007). Light transgressions and heavy sociability: Alcohol in young adult Finns' narratives of a night out. Addiction Research and Theory 15: 4, 365-381, Törrönen J, Maunu A (2009). Reflexive self-talk and situated freedom in the context of sociability: An analysis of transgressive drinking in the diaries of young Finnish adults. European societies 11: 3, 431-450.


Email: jut@sorad.su.se

Antti Maunu

Antti Maunu is doing a PhD in sociology in the University of Helsinki. His ethnographic study on nightclub partying analyses from a ritual analytic perspective the interplay of individual experiences, small group dynamics and cultural values and norms. His fields of specialisation are sociability, individualism, theory and history of sociology, and qualitative methods. He is co-author of several articles on drinking cultures and motivation and regulation of drinking. These include Törrönen, J. and Maunu, A. (2009) 'Reflexive self-talk and situated freedom in the context of sociability – An analysis of transgressive drinking in young adult Finns' diaries. European Societies vol. 11, no. 3 pp. 431-450; Törrönen J. & Maunu, A. (2007) 'Light transgressions and heavy sociability. Alcohol in young adult Finns' narratives on their evenings out.' Addiction Research and Theory vol 15, no. 4 pp. 365-381; and Törrönen, J. and Maunu, A. (2007) 'Whilst it's red wine with beef, it's booze with a cruise! Genres and gendered regulation of drinking situations in diaries.' Nordisk Alkohol- och narkotikatidskrift vol 24, no. 2 pp. 177-199.
