Kevin Walby and Aaron Doyle

Kevin Walby

Kevin Walby is a PhD candidate in sociology at Carleton University. His articles include Surveillance & Society (2009), the Canadian Journal of Law and Society (2008), Social & Legal Studies (2007), Qualitative Inquiry (2007), Critical Sociology (2007) as well as Culture and Organization (2006). He is the outreach and advocacy coordinator as well as the prisoners' struggles editor for the Journal of Prisoners on Prisons.

Carleton University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
7th Floor Loeb Building
1125 Colonel By Drive Ottawa,
Ontario, K1S 5B6


Aaron Doyle

Aaron Doyle is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Carleton University. Doyle has published widely on the relationship between risk, culture and major institutions like the criminal justice system, public and private insurance and the mass media. His books include Arresting Images: Crime and Policing in Front of the Television Camera, Insurance as Governance (with Richard Ericson and Dean Barry), Uncertain Business: Risk, Insurance and the Limits of Knowledge (with Richard Ericson) and Risk and Morality (co-edited with Richard Ericson).

